NTC's dictionary of literary terms / Kathleen Morner, Ralph Rausch. by
- Morner, Kathleen
- Rausch, Ralph
- NTC Publishing Group
Publication details: Lincolnwood, Ill. : NTC Pub. Group, 1998
Other title: - Dictionary of literary terms
Availability: Items available for loan: Bangladesh National Parliament Library (2)Location, call number: General Stacks PN44.5. M58, ...
বাংলা একাডেমী লেখক অভিধান / আশফাক উল আলম (সম্পা) by
- বাংলা একাডেমি
- আশফাক-উল-আলম
- সেলিনা হোসেন
- নূরুল ইসলাম
- হোসেন, মোবারক
Publication details: ঢাকা: বাংলা একাডেমি, ১৯৯৮
Availability: Items available for loan: Bangladesh National Parliament Library (1)Location, call number: General Stacks PK1656. A42.
The Great World Atlas/ William R. Mead by
Publication details: London: Bramley Books, 1998
Availability: Items available for reference: Bangladesh National Parliament Library: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: General Stacks G1019 G7.
Britannica book of the year 1998 / Encyclopedia Britannica. by - Encyclopedia Britannica Ltd
Publication details: Chicago : Encyclopedia Britannica, 1998
Availability: Items available for reference: Bangladesh National Parliament Library: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: General Stacks AE5 E36 1998.
China agriculture yearbook.
Edition: English ed.
Publication details: Zao Ying lu Chaoyang District, Beijing : Beijing, China : Agricultural Pub. House ; Distributed by China International Book Trading Corp., 1998
Other title: - Zhongguo nong ye nian jian
Availability: Items available for loan: Bangladesh National Parliament Library (1)Location, call number: General Stacks S471.C5.
Dictionary of marketing/ A. Ivanovic. by
Publication details: New Delhi: Universal Book Stall, 1998
Availability: Items available for reference: Bangladesh National Parliament Library: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: General Stacks HF5415 I92.
The penal code (act XLV of 1860)/ by - Ministry of law and justice
Publication details: Dhaka: Bangladesh government press, 1998
Availability: Items available for reference: Bangladesh National Parliament Library: Not for loan (2)Location, call number: General Stacks KNB7872 H87, ...
বাংলাদেশ জেলা গেজেটীয়ার বৃহত্তর যশোর/ মাহবুব তালুকদার [সম্পা.] by
Publication details: ঢাকা: বি.জি. প্রেস, ১৯৯৮।
Other title: - Bangladesh jela gejetayr brhotor Joshore/Mahaboob Talukder.
Availability: Items available for loan: Bangladesh National Parliament Library (1)Location, call number: General Stacks DS485.B3 JES.
বাংলাদেশ জেলা গেজেটীয়ার বৃহত্তর যশোর/ মাহবুব তালুকদার [সম্পা.] by
Publication details: ঢাকা: বি.জি. প্রেস, ১৯৯৮।
Other title: - Bangladesh jela gejetayr brhotor Joshore/Mahaboob Talukder.
Availability: Items available for loan: Bangladesh National Parliament Library (1)Location, call number: General Stacks DS485.B3 JES.
Geographical Atlas of The World/ William R. Mead by
Publication details: London: Bramley Books, 1998
Availability: Items available for reference: Bangladesh National Parliament Library: Not for loan (2)Location, call number: General Stacks G1046 M43, ...
South Asia: power and politics / Vishnu Prajapati by Series: ; Vol.1
Publication details: New Delhi : Kanishka publishers, 1998
Availability: Items available for loan: Bangladesh National Parliament Library (1)Location, call number: General Stacks DS450.I5 P73 V.1.
The fifth Five year plan, (1997-2002)
Publication details: Dhaka: Govt. of The People's Republic of Bangladeh, 1998
Availability: Items available for loan: Bangladesh National Parliament Library (5)Location, call number: General Stacks HC440.8 B34 , ...